native plants

June 25, 2024

Milkweed and its Fascinating Bugs

Most people know that milkweed plants are important for the survival of Monarch butterflies. But beyond that, their knowledge is a little murkier. Milkweeds are fascinating plants where you can spot a wide diversity of insects. [...]
March 27, 2024

Do bugs have caring moms?

Birds and mammals are renowned for their dedication to raising young that rely on parental care. Bug bugs? While motherhood doesn’t come to mind when we think about bugs, they don't all leave their young to fend for themselves. [...]
May 25, 2023

Red-haired Native Bee

This lovely lady Andrenid bee, with her flashy reddish hair, stood out amongst a crowd of pollinators in our flowering Beach Plum. [...]
August 19, 2022

Extrafloral Nectary

Candy store on a plant! This nob is an extrafloral nectar on the Senna plant. [...]
August 17, 2022

Wild Senna Flower

Here's a unique, stingy wildflower that doesn't offer pollinators any nectar [...]
January 14, 2021

Beetles as Pollinators

While bees and butterflies are the pollinator darlings, beetles also provide essential pollinator services and deserve a little more respect [...]
December 5, 2020

Why Plant Winterberry Holly?

Winterberry Holly is a great native shrub that gets well deserved landscape attention because of its gorgeous heavy red fruit set during (guess?) [...]
July 28, 2020

The Popular Purple Coneflower (Echinacea)

Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) deserves its status as one of the most popular mainstream native wildflowers for garden [...]
June 24, 2020

Our Transformation to Native Plants

Our story about transforming a fallow cornfield to a native plant meadow and garden landscape that attracts wildlife.
May 28, 2020

Golden Alexanders Support Tiny Wildlife

    The first big wave of showy color in our meadow each spring is the native plant Golden Alexanders (Zizia aurea). The tiny wildlife […]
May 6, 2020

Hello nature enthusiasts!

We will be sharing interesting observations and photographs captured from nature around us.