Variegated Fritillary on Sunflower
Nectaring butterfly

Booted Moth
Day-feeding Eight-spotted Forester moth nectaring on Virginia Sweetspire flower (Itea virginica)

Eating While Standing
Bumble bee nectaring on Agastache

Zabulon Nectaring
Male Zabulon skipper on Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata)

Playing Dead
Moth caterpillar playing dead (Datana ministra)

Colorful red legs
Dark moth caterpillar showing off his colorful legs (Datana sp)

Muddy Bee
Native Andrenid bee on Golden Alexanders flower (Zizia aurea)

Zebra in my Yard
Moth (Zebra Conchylodes) nectaring at night on Sweet Pepperbush (Clethra alnifolia)

Robberfly with bug prey
Don't miss the Freeloader Fly on the bug!

Speckled Sharpshooter
Leafhopper (Speckled Sharpshooter) hiding on Maryland Senna (Senna marilandica)

Cleaning up
Flower fly wasp mimic Broad-banded Hornet Fly (Spilomyia alcimus) preening on a leaf (Hydrangea quercifolia)

Asleep for Winter
Newly formed Black Swallowtail Chrysalis late October

Final Approach
Native bee (Anthophora terminalis) ready to land on Great Blue Lobelia flower (Lobelia siphilitica)

Dainty Dinner
Tiny robber fly (Cerotainia sp) with itsy bitsy leafhopper prey (Empoasca sp)

Dance Pose
Dance Fly (Empis spectabilis) resting its long legs on a Potentilla bud

Perfect Pose
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail nectaring on Great Blue Lobelia flower (Lobelia siphilitica)

Twig Imitator
Red spotted Purple butterfly caterpillar on Beach plum (Prunus maritima)

Colorful bee
Non-native European wool carder bee (Anthidium manicatum) on Foxglove beardtongue flower (Penstemon digitalis)

Crazy Face
Front head portrait of a Cecropia moth caterpillar